a relaxing moment in brussels
avenue Victor Olivier laan 6 bte 49
1070 Anderlecht - Brussels
(metro Saint-Guidon)
0470/ 32.64.67
You reached to the website of Peter D'hont.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any other questions or would like to know any further information.
I have extensive experience in giving (and also receiving) massages, and have followed a number of courses:
Master Kawada for Shiatsu treatments.
Pierre Wattiaux for Thai massage.
in Amsterdam for the oil massage.
Didier Rabouam for foot reflexology.
I am very grateful to these people, and to all those who gave me tips and allowed me to practice, who in turn allowed make this project a reality.
I regularly follow a 10-day Vipassana course, which helps me to stay in contact with the present and be aware of all my actions.
May all beings be happy.